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Has anyone read "The Red Ammendment" by L.B. Bork?, page 1

Constitution of the United States, which briefly has to do with the public debt of the United States and slaves As this treatise is entitled "The Red Amendment" it comtemplates a dual reference to the fourteenth amendment: One) It was/is a vehicle for the implementation of Communism; and, two) IT was/is a vehicle to bring the United States to deliberate and perpetual debt. Feb 25,  · The Book: The Red Amendment, An In Law Exposé On The 14th Amendment To The Constitution, originally published in , currently available as . red amendment book pdf I OWN THE RED AMENDMENT ALSO AGREE WITH IT PREMISE AS PART IS. the red amendment by l b bork Red Amendment Promo - Free download as PDF, Text or read online for free. This treatise describes a conspiracy more evil. The Red Amendment Order Form, File size K.

the red amendment pdf free download

The red amendment pdf free download

This content community relies on user-generated content from the red amendment pdf free download member contributors. The opinions of our members are not those of site ownership who maintains strict editorial agnosticism and simply provides a collaborative venue for free expression. It looks like you're using an Ad Blocker, the red amendment pdf free download.

Please white-list or disable AboveTopSecret. Thank you. Some features of ATS will be disabled while you continue to use an ad-blocker. I personally have not and am looking for people that have that can that can post some of the key topics on exercising ones rights under the Organic United States Constitution before the bastardization of it with the 14th amendment without doing anything illegal.

I ran across this site Peoples Awareness Coalition and it is interesting for those that want to break free and be a true Patriot. I highly recommend it if you want to know how your "rights", or "you", for that matter do not exist under "The Corporation".

Hate to bump my own thread but it's prime time. Any takers. This is an important read if you want to break the Matrix. Note to Mods: Can you please correct my typo in the title. This one. Think tank? The red amendment pdf free download not sure. It seems to be headed up by the author of the book. It seems that I read of others involved, but cannot confirm that now.

The site is a little difficult to navigate. I will have to dig some more later. Here is a. It still only states him. Pretty vague. PAC Resources. I am reading The Red Amendment right now. It's a bunch of half-truths. Here's the skinny as i understand it so far: Prior to the 14th Amendment, the United States was always referred to as a collective, a 'they' or 'their' or 'them' as it should be.

The United States is a federation of sovereign states nationsa union. People were citizens of their state nation. They were state nationals. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

The 14th Amendment changed that. A usurper government was created named 'The United States'. The 'United States became an 'it', an entity unto itself, the red amendment pdf free download. The 14th Amendment also created a 2nd citizenship, that of the federal government.

We became dual citizens, a state national AND a federal citizen of this usurper de facto gov. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. We are in violation of our rightful nationality.

We are insurgents, the red amendment pdf free download. We are subject to the private law of the de facto gov 'The United States' that was created. The right to vote at any election I want to really understand it all before i comment much further. The 'Expatriation Act' actually Public Law 15; United States Statues at The red amendment pdf free download, chapterpps allows for one to lawfully expatriate, to remove oneself from federal citizenship.

You are no longer part of the de facto government nor subject to it no income tax, no heeding statues or codes, etcbut you also can no longer benefit from it either no collecting SS, the red amendment pdf free download, no medicare, etc.

Uncle Sam won't be there to bail you out. You're on your own, just like how this union of nations was founded.

Have not read the book. The link on the 14th amendment is good. Looking from a bit higher perspective, the red amendment pdf free download you see is that "black is white and white is black".

Things are often the opposite of what they are stated or presented to be. The glory of the "US Citizen" is a scam. This, again, matches perfectly the "Jesuit way". What is the Jesuit way? It is to be everything to everyone. To make it appear that you are on everyones side or no ones if necessary. To make the enemy believe you are their friend. To play all sides. The view of the Pope is that they own everything and I do mean everything.

Most people may not realize it, but during the period immediately proceeding the Revolutionary War, Catholics had no voting rights in much of Europe and in particularly England and the new world.

This is because a Catholic has first allegiance to a foreign power, the Vatican and the Pope. Many Popes have clearly stated their believe that they own everything. This is a great idea, of course, the red amendment pdf free download, but in the Jesuit mind and manipulation it means that Catholics gained the right to vote and to be involved in politics and sad, but true that opened the door wide to the Vatican slowly taking over the States United as it's property.

Undeclared as it may be, the Vatican is the Owner of post Civil War Corporation of the "United States of America" and the incorporation of everything including the States United is the surrender of the States to the Vatican. The bankruptcy of is a further surrender. It's all a mind game of fake documents and fake agreements that the NWO is trying to codify before too many people realize their viewed as fodder for the Pope.

Good read is "Rulers of Evil" a book that came out about a decade ago after a many years of research by an excellent scholar. You can also track down Vatican Assassins by Phelps.

Is the Vatican in true power behind the thrown? Perhaps, perhaps not. I suspect the real power are the families that manufactured Catholicism from it's inception. Now Catholicism being what it is and with a long history of a clearly nonspiritual nature, it is likely that the NWO will migrate the Vatican behind the scenes into a NWO Religion.

This is no different than the Freemasons owning allegiance to an unknown supreme leader who is none other than the Black Pope, the Jesuit General. The early opponents of Jesuits where the Freemasons who where actually following the instructions of the same leader. Hold your friends close, your enemies closer. Yes people will make posts claiming this or that about Phelp but the content of the material is what matters. As i read more i'll post updates i'm at only p48 of the core pages.

There is a lot of info on the PAC site. Lots of PDFs to read to get an idea. Also one can join the forum at: www. The best is to buy the book, The Red Amendment. You can listen to the 10 archived talkshoe calls at: www. This is also pretty interesting: Deprogram. The The red amendment pdf free download Amendment, under Section 1, defines our citizenship and the privileges and immunities that come with that citizenship quite clearly: Link The Fourteenth Amendment-"Civil Rights" 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereofthe red amendment pdf free download, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, the red amendment pdf free download, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Of or relating to Law; falling within the province of Law. Of or relating to Law as opposed to equity. To give or confer somethingwith or without compensation. To formally transfer real property by deed or other writing. To give permit or agree to. To approvewarrant, or order a request, motion, etc. As you can see, by the Fourteenth Amendment you are U. S Citizens who falls under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government; and the Federal Government grants you your so-called "unalienable rights.

I have not yet read The Red Amendment yet, and I really want to. I joined the PAC group but I find trying to navigate the forum difficult. Plus I do not want them to file any paperwork for me, I would rather educate myself and do it on my own.

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The red amendment pdf free download

the red amendment pdf free download

In contraposition to the past, there are no stipulations on reselling The Red Amendment, Edition. However, it is just requested that you not sell it for more than the suggested donation price per unit, and that you do not sell it on the internet. LB Bork, the Red Amendment, and The Dual System of Law By Anna Von Reitz As Mark Twain said, it's not what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so that gets you into trouble. LB Bork, The Red Amendment, and The Dual System of Law is a case in point. Constitution of the United States, which briefly has to do with the public debt of the United States and slaves As this treatise is entitled "The Red Amendment" it comtemplates a dual reference to the fourteenth amendment: One) It was/is a vehicle for the implementation of Communism; and, two) IT was/is a vehicle to bring the United States to deliberate and perpetual debt.

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